Logging Twitch Subscriptions for One Month

Feb 10, 2018 • Arne Vogel

For one month now I have been logging twitch subscriptions of channels that have surpassed 50 viewers at one point in the month and are partnered with twitch.

Note that this the logging wasn’t perfect and this overview is only a distorted view on the ground truth of data that twitch has. The logger isn’t as robust as I would like to have it, it wasn’t logging 100% of the time in each channel and it sometimes counted subscriptions twice when users had the chance to announce a sub multiple times. The data is only a small portion of all subscriptions on twitch.

You can explore the data yourself at twslogs.com. Unfortunately the site runs on the same server as the logging bot so it’s quite slow sometimes.


tws=# SELECT count(*) from partner;

Excactly 9948 streamers chats are monitored for subscriptions as of this writing.

tws=# SELECT count(*) from users;

And to these 9948 streamers are 1 040 416 users that subscribed atleast to one of the partners.

tws=# SELECT count(*) from subscription;

The total number of subscriptions detected by the bot are 1 461 692. So on average one user subscribes to 1.4 streamers per month.

tws=# SELECT sub_plan, count(sub_plan) from subscription group by sub_plan;
 sub_plan | count
 Prime    | 607876
 1000     | 803683
 2000     |  25995
 3000     |  24197

Of all subscriptions 41.5% were prime subs, 55% were $5 subscriptions, 1.78% where $9.99 subs and 1.7% were $24.99 subs.

tws=# SELECT u.name, count(u.id) from subscription join users u on u_id = u.id group by u.id order by count(u.id) desc limit 10;
		name        | count
 champion7b         |   864
 asubtoremember     |   465
 slingersam         |   427
 di3n0mit3          |   381
 death2qwerty       |   377
 theragingchilean   |   291
 dralfredpennyworth |   283
 mscdexdotexe       |   273
 carcinogensda      |   228
 sweetbro           |   227

Above is the number of subs and gifted subscriptions per user. Some people have way to much money to throw around. More than one in 2000 subscriptions on twitch are from champion7b.

Where the streamers come from:

tws=# SELECT language, count(*) from partner group by language order by count(*) DESC;
 language | count
 en       |  4707
 ru       |   717
 de       |   671
 ko       |   664
 es       |   466
 fr       |   436
 pt-br    |   371
 en-gb    |   339
 zh-tw    |   270
 pl       |   228
 ja       |   199
 tr       |   165
 sv       |   111
 it       |   100
 nl       |    91
 th       |    79
 da       |    68
 cs       |    65
 fi       |    56
 pt       |    29
 no       |    27
 hu       |    27
 es-mx    |    21
 sk       |    17
 el       |    10
 bg       |     7
 zh-cn    |     4
 vi       |     3

And the number of subscriptions to streamers with their language set to x:

tws=# SELECT language, count(*) from partner join subscription on p_id = partner.id group by language order by count(*) DESC;
 language | count
 en       | 983475
 de       | 121791
 fr       |  61468
 en-gb    |  57526
 ko       |  38300
 ru       |  36643
 es       |  35691
 zh-tw    |  17908
 it       |  15098
 pt-br    |  14560
 tr       |  11960
 sv       |  11265
 pl       |   9594
 ja       |   8099
 da       |   7155
 nl       |   6570
 cs       |   6029
 no       |   4530
 th       |   4176
 fi       |   3897
 sk       |   1872
 pt       |   1357
 es-mx    |   1185
 hu       |    917
 el       |    606
 zh-cn    |    190
 bg       |     75

The three streamers from United States Virgin Islands unfortunately didn’t recieve any subscriptions as far as I can tell with the data :(

Future plans

I am going to keep the bot running and will try to make the logging more robust so the data comes more reliable. For some channels the logger has only registered half of all subscriptions.

If you want to take a look at the source code the code is avaliable on github: github.com/ArneVogel/TWS.